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We are independent specialist with expert knowledge of industrial workflows. We look ahead, anticipate your needs and navigate you to successfully resolve, manage and implement your industrial automation challenges. Our solutions are build on long lasting experience and demonstrated expertise for local and multinational companies. itsme’s solutions are fully aligned with our products and services to ensure successful implementation. And supported by proven methodologies and tools our solutions help you to improve revenue, decrease risk and reduce cost

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Efficiency is worth a lot, also when it concerns your logistics processes. Think of the many order lines for your flow of goods for example. Most of these involve low value goods. However, with too many operations the cost can quickly increase by tenfold. How much profit can you achieve here?
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Did the world of industrial automation ever change as fast as now? The impact of the Internet of Things is speeding ahead. Data has proven to be the new gold. As the competition prepares for the future, you are also wondering which steps to take. But where do you begin? You don’t want to implement a solution on a whim. You would rather review the facts and context first. Right?
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